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February 12, 2024 | Political Action

Taking Political Activism To The Next Level in Suffolk County

Every day, from town council meetings to city halls to state capitols, thousands of members in this union bring the voice and core issues of the UBC into politics and government. And political activism within our union is growing more and more because union carpenters know what’s at stake.

Just take a look at three Local 290 members on Long Island. Two union carpenters are representing both Nassau (Chris Fusco) and Suffolk (Wayne Rogers) counties as Labor Commissioners, while a retired union carpenter (Dave Steward) has been appointed as Chief Deputy Commissioner of Labor. Collectively, these three officials have a combined total of 140 years of service to the UBC.

“We are confident that they’ll uphold our standards and ensure we have a seat at the table on all county projects moving forward,” said Anthony Villa, NASRCC. “Congratulations to all, and we look forward to working with you to build up our communities here on Long Island!”