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July 23, 2024 | Around the NASRCC, Political Action

Statement from the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters

Joe Biden has effectively and unapologetically advocated for unions and working Americans more than any president in the history of the United States. He has steadfastly directed his administration and policy efforts toward “rebuilding our economy from the middle-out and the bottom-up” and we applaud him for it.

His response to the COVID pandemic was both practical and compassionate. Building bi-partisan coalitions, he initiated investments in domestic manufacturing, America’s aging infrastructure and renewable energy that both stimulated the economy in the short-term and will be the foundation of America’s prosperity and independence for decades.

President Biden’s major policy approaches have been layered and sophisticated. They go beyond traditional tax cuts and government programs. Federal investments are focused on job-creating industries necessary to America’s success and do not leave it to chance that the benefits of federal investment will “trickle down” to workers. Companies using funds receive significantly enhanced tax benefits for domestic investment, participating in apprenticeship programs and paying prevailing wages. These standards ensure public investments go to American workers, not just corporate leaders and institutional shareholders.

For more than five decades, Joe Biden has been a champion for working Americans. In the last three-and-a-half years, President Biden has turned the anxiety of union members into hope for our future. We thank him for his many years of service to our country.