Union members stand together to make a greater impact together than we can individually. You can help raise the sound of our collective voices by joining and expanding our effort.
Qualification for scholarship consideration requires at least one approved and verified activity.
What can you do?
There are a number of options, from attending union events to joining union outreach to creating engaging content related to our union or trade.
The focus of your effort can range from union demonstrations to union volunteering and from political action to recruiting and promotion. “Union” means NASRCC or local unions affiliated with NASRCC. Attending monthly union meetings – or other internal meetings – does not satisfy the activity requirement.
- You can check in on Galaxy. That’s an online platform listing union activity in their local union or area. Attending monthly union meetings – or other internal meetings – does not satisfy the activity requirement.
- You can contact your union member’s local union hall.
- Help advocate for policy changes that help our members by writing to elected leaders.
- Got an idea for a photo project, video or social media content you think can get hits, contact our Communications Department.
- Want to do something while you’re away at school? Connect with a UBC council or local where you are—they’re all over the US and Canada–and ask if they’ve got something.
What Makes it count? get it approved and verified.
If it’s on Galaxy, comes from a NASRCC local union, the political department or the communications department, it’s approved.
If you want to create an activity on your own or do something with a UBC affiliate outside of NASRCCs area, get it approved by someone on staff at a NASRCC, a NASRCC local union, the NASRCC Political Department or NASRCC Communications Department.
During or following your activity, you must get verification that you completed it. Take a picture or video of yourself in action, record someone on staff saying you did it or get an email from them. If you’re creating content, you can send us the content you created. You will have to submit verification with your application. Please note: attending monthly union meetings – or other internal meetings – does not satisfy the activity requirement.
When it comes to improving your application—and chances for more $$–focus on these things:
- Effort.
- Results.
- More activities—there is no limit!
- Organize: if you can, do something that involves your union member…friends….crowds!
What Next?
Fill out and submit your application. Be sure to include descriptions and verification of all of your activities. If you need to add activities after you’ve submitted your application, use ‘edit submission’ link in your confirmation email. If you have completed more than five service activities, email applications@nasrcc.org for further instructions.