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Protect Your Right to a Strong Union

When you think of your rights and your work, you want to protect both. So when you hear about “Right to Work” it might sound like a great thing. But if ever there was a case where you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, so-called “Right to Work” laws are it.

Consider some facts about states that have so-called “Right to Work” laws:

They have lower wages, and not just for union jobs, but for all jobs.

They see a decline in union membership. “Right to Work” laws are largely created to lower union membership. Proponents seek to weaken the bargaining power of workers and lower their overall labor costs. But they also reduce labor-management cooperative efforts that lead to well-managed, sustainable health and retirement benefits as well as legitimate training programs.

They do NOT see an increase in jobs. Certainly union construction jobs are less plentiful, that’s part of the strategy. But overall job growth just doesn’t materialize the way it’s promised.

Poverty levels are higher in “Right to Work” states. You might not think this is a big deal if your skills, experience and network allow you to stay employed. But increased poverty means a drop in tax revenues while the demand for safety net services goes up.

Visit our ACTION PAGE to send a message to your legislator.

Information resources:

Economic Policy Institute: Summary of research and work.

Jobs With Justice: False Claims. False Promises: Why “Right to Work” Is Wrong for Everyone

New Hampshire Public Radio: “Right to Work”: A New Hampshire Explainer from 2017

Members and contractors are encouraged to think about how “Right to Work” would impact their wallets, their crews and their work and to get involved by completing the form on

RTW - Looking Back

January 7, 2021

Byrne Writes to Members on RTW in NH

NASRCC leader Joe Byrne sent a letter to members in New Hampshire this week regarding so-called “Right to Work” legislation being proposed in New Hampshire.

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January 6, 2021

Carpenters set to beat back RTW in NH

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January 14, 2017

A History of Right to Work in New Hampshire

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