A strong union needs skills, benefits and ACTION!
Recently passed federal legislation has provided massive funding for necessary infrastructure and employment. It also provides historic opportunities to diversify construction sites and turn buildings into bridges for women, people of color and veterans who continue to be under-represented in the construction industry.
This week, members of the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters have been in Washington, D.C. to work toward ensuring infrastructure provides economic opportunity for all.
Local 328 carpenter Michelle Wright was a panelist for a roundtable hosted by the US Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau, and part of a delegation from Massachusetts including NASRCCs Elizabeth Skidmore and Noel Xavier.
Sister Wright shared best practices and proven strategies that have led to an increase in the number and percentage of women and minority individuals in Massachusetts. The state has the highest participation rate of women in registered apprenticeship in the country at 10.4%.
Sister Skidmore discussed specific examples from her work with NASRCC and the Policy Group on Tradeswomen’s Issues (PGTI) to highlight the importance of community advisory committees and focusing on labor supply and demand as a best practice model.
A special thank you to Massachusetts Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley for attending and for her continued support.