A strong union needs skills, benefits and ACTION!
This Thursday, March 3 at 4:45
Massachusetts Attorney General Candidates!
Workers rights require defending, especially when it comes to unrepresented workers being exploited by employers. Wage theft, misclassification and many more enforcement areas fall within the jurisdiction of the attorney general.
This week, members will have the opportunity to hear all three declared candidates for Massachusetts Attorney General–Andrea Campbell, Shannon Liss-Riordan and Quentin Palfrey–speak directly to our union’s interests and concerns.
This event is not open to the press or the general public. It is members only. Please use the following link to pre-register for this virtual event: https://forms.gle/3xQ21PJ3e4Q5dmZ79
Andrea Campbell is a former Boston City Councilor and candidate for Mayor. Shannon Liss-Riordan is a labor attorney who ran for US Senate in 2020. Quentin Palfrey is an attorney who formerly served as acting general council for the US Department of Commerce and ran for Lieutenant Governor in 2018.
Members should register for the event here: