When Union Carpenters SPEAK, Politicians Listen
Politics and government affect our work, our union and our lives, so NASRCC Union carpenters across our seven states are committed to being informed and engaged citizens.
Political action means supporting people and policies that support carpenter’s values. This means fighting for fair wages, working to stop employer tax fraud, advocating for programs that create decent jobs and standing up for all working families. Through our political work we are also making sure that Carpenters have a voice in the life-changing decisions made every day by local, state and federal policymakers.
Please take time to be part of your local union and our council’s political work. By voting and participating in the political process you can help build a stronger union and a better future for our families and our communities.
We invite members to learn more about and consider candidates our union has endorsed for election. To find candidates endorsed by our union where you live, visit the UBCs national election center and enter your address. Members in New York can also check this page.