A strong union needs skills, benefits and ACTION!
John Murphy, who served as chief of staff to three executive secretary-treasurers of the New England and North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, retired this year.
A member of Local 327 (formerly Local 33) for more than 40 years, Murphy steadily worked his way up the ranks from an apprentice to leadership positions on the jobsite, and later the local and regional level. He combined his experience and knowledge of the industry with maturity and a deep love for the union.
Tom Harrington made him chief of staff for the six-state New England Regional Council (NERCC) following his election to the office of executive secretary-treasurer in 2001. He would return to the position again in 2017, serving under Tom Flynn’s leadership of the NERCC/NASRCC and continue in the role under current Executive Secretary-Treasurer Joe Byrne.
In 2002, while serving as chief of staff for NERCC, he was appointed senior agent for local unions in the Boston area, which would also later include specialty locals. He served on the NERCC Executive Board from 2003-2005 and again from 2014 until his retirement earlier this year.
Murphy served his local well, as a delegate and member of the local union executive board for a number of years, including as president of the local. He was a member and chair of the board of trustees for the Training and Apprenticeship Fund and a trustee of the Carpenters Combined Benefits Funds.
United Brotherhood of Carpenters General Vice President Tom Flynn called Murphy “one of the most talented and dedicated union members I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with” and called him “an integral part of the development, maturing and success of his local and his council.”
As chief of staff, Murphy not only supported ongoing operations of the union, but had an eye on the future, working to develop staff and succession plans, including for himself. He was instrumental in the development of partnership programs with Wentworth Institute of Technology, Cornell University and Benjamin Franklin Institute that served members and staff. Executive Secretary-Treasurer Joe Byrne— a graduate of the first Wentworth cohort— said he’s increasingly come to appreciate Murphy’s work over time.
“He did so many things that went unseen, but that solved problems or prevented them from occurring,” Byrne said. “He also helped us prioritize and focus because his perspective was informed by such tremendous knowledge and experience.”
Congratulations to John for a tremendous career and his outstanding commitment and service to the Brotherhood!