A strong union needs skills, benefits and ACTION!
Career Connections is a curriculum for students in grades 9-12 offered by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. Created by the Carpenters International Training Fund, the program is employed in schools across North America to introduce students to the craft and trade of carpentry. It is used to complement schools existing curriculum, or as their own stand-alone program, and is designed for today’s modern learning styles. All of the lesson plans, working drawings, grading rubrics, project evaluations and state framework alignment have been completed for teacher use.
Career Connections not only teaches important hands-on skills for all students, but it also gives the students a direct pathway to a career in construction, with students earning credits toward the apprenticeship program while still in school. Young people gain the knowledge and skills they need to choose a career wisely and prepare for advanced training in a registered apprenticeship program.
Over 100 schools and organizations are using Career Connections throughout the seven states of NASRCC. Welcome to our newest Career Connections partners:
Arlington High School-Lagrangeville, NY l Delaware-Chenango-Madison-Otsego BOCES-Norwich, NY l Madison-Oneida BOCES-Verona, NY l Syracuse CSD-Syracuse, NY l Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES-Ithaca, NY l Ulster BOCES Career & Technical Center Port Ewen, NY.
For more information about the steps you should take when contacting schools in your area, please visit NASRCC.ORG/YOURFUTURE or email careerconnections@nasctf.org