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January 10, 2024 | Political Action


RTW is wrong for NH

Today is the big day. The House Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Committee will be hearing “Right-to-Work” this afternoon. Voice your opposition online or join us in Concord TODAY 1/10 at 3:00 PM to oppose “Right-to-Work” (HB 1377-FN) in the New Hampshire House Labor Committee public hearing.

Many of our brothers and sisters will be gathering outside of the Legislative Office Building (“LOB”) at 33 N State St, Concord, NH 03301, before the public hearing, to hold signs and do a visibility action against House Bill 1377-FN.

If you intend to deliver your testimony in opposition to the bill in person today, you must sign up in person, in Room 206-208 prior to or during the public hearing.

We greatly encourage those who oppose the bill to come to the public hearing, in person, to give testimony and speak to the dangers of “Right-to-Work.” However, if you are unable to attend in person today, you can submit your opposition online, using the instructions below. The Committee will accept submissions of testimony and sign-ins until 11:59 PM tonight.

To sign in to register your position on the bill and/or submit testimony, click here


‘Right-to-work’ laws are deceptively named, but UBC members know their true meaning. We urge you to continue to push this information to your networks, friends and family to oppose RTW. IT’S WRONG FOR NH.