A strong union needs skills, benefits and ACTION!
Congratulations to all of the Brothers and Sisters who are new to our union! Being a union carpenter can be a great career if you work hard and have the right attitude.
The union makes available all of the skills training you’ll need to succeed, from apprenticeship training to journey-level skills upgrade programs, all at virtually NO cost to you. We’ll also teach you about the Brotherhood and how to help the union succeed, both on the job and in our industry. The UBCs International Training Center has several programs that will teach you professionalism, leadership and collaborative skills that can increase the success of you, your fellow members and the contractors that employ us.
We encourage you to follow the union on social media and to attend union meetings. Ask questions about your benefits, your contract, being dispatched to worksites, how the union works and why. Union staff, jobsite stewards and experienced members are valuable sources of information.
Remember: when you’re on the job, focus on skill, quality, productivity and safety. And as a union member stay informed, support fellow members and advocate for your union!