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November 30, 2023 | In the Community

Union Carpenters Play An Integral Role In Habitat For Humanity Project

NASRCC members make up the fabric of our local communities and this Habitat for Humanity project is a shining example of the contributions they make.

More than a dozen Local 336 carpenters have been donating their time and skills to help longtime community partner Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity construct a single-family, three-bedroom, Zero Energy Ready Home in Dalton, Mass. Once completed, the Habitat for Humanity house will be sold to moderate-income, first-time homebuyer through the Department of Housing and Community Development’s lottery system.

“A very big thank you to the members who volunteered for Habitat for Humanity on this 20-degree November Saturday morning to install drywall on the Berkshire County Gulf Rd, Dalton project,” said Tim Craw, Local 336 Business Representative.

Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity executive director Carolyn Valli and project superintendent Joe Trybus stopped by the site on Saturday to thank the union carpenters for taking time on their weekends to help others.

Kudos to the following members for playing an integral role in this project: Jay Trybus; Rob Czwerinski; Eric Skowron; Joel Gregory; Mike Mezejewski; Chad Scholz; Mark Esko; Matt Lamb; Matt McGurn; Jackie McGurn; Steve Lemiska; Tim Craw.