A strong union needs skills, benefits and ACTION!
Mark Erlich, retired executive secretary-treasurer of the former New England Regional Council of Carpenters is releasing a book this week about the changing nature of the construction industry and the need for changes.
“The Way We Build: Restoring Dignity to Construction Work” is Erlich’s third published book. He previously wrote and authored “With Our Hands: The Story of Carpenters in Massachusetts” and “Labor at the Ballot Box.”
“The Way We Build” reviews the history of the construction trades and construction unions as a source of pride, dignity, and economic mobility for blue-collar workers. While still true for many, Erlich discusses declining union strength, a growing non-union sector, and other factors that have undermined those traditions.
The book is available on Amazon here and in regular book-selling venues. The University of Illinois Press is offering a special 30% discount code when you order from www.press.uillinois.edu and use Promo Code S23UIP. Offer good until December 31, 2023.