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July 14, 2023 | Around the NASRCC

2023 NASRCC Scholarship Recipients

Each year, the NASRCC awards scholarships to members in good standing and children of members in good standing who are enrolled in post high school education.

This year $90,900 was given in varying amounts to 126 winners. Awards are funded by settlements with contractors and other contributions to help members with the ever-increasing costs of higher education.

The program requires applicants to maintain a “C” average and complete an essay on an assigned topic by the submission deadline. Essays are graded by committee members with the identities of authors kept anonymous.

The first prize winner, Casey McQuesten, received $7,500. He will be a junior at The University of Rhode Island this fall. His father, Thomas McQuesten, is a member of Local 330. The second prize winner, Shane Gannon, received $5,000. He will be a sophomore at State University of New York Plattsburgh this fall. His father, John Gannon, is a member of Local 279.

Click here for a complete list of winners along with the names of the parent/guardian that is a member and that member’s local union affiliation.