A strong union needs skills, benefits and ACTION!
Union carpenters have always led the way when it comes to safety on the job. And we’ve maintained that status throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
When cases began to rise rapidly last spring, we stopped work for a few weeks in dense areas, providing employers vital time to develop protocols for testing and site-specific plans to limit the passing of infections. The union didn’t leave it all up to employers, though. The UBC engaged public health experts to work with our training staff at the International Training Center in Vegas to developed an online COVID safety training program that became a model for the industry.
The union continues to promote COVID safety by encouraging members and their families to get vaccinated against future infection.
On Labor Day, the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters will raffle off a new truck and several other prizes to active members who are fully vaccinated!
This summer’s the time to take your shot to win!
A 2021 GMC Sierra 1500 SLT 4WD crew cab, with taxes paid NASRCC.
TEN $500 gift cards.
$500 gift card to the affiliated local union with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated active members on Aug 31. Gift cards will be raffled off to confirmed vaccinated members at monthly meeting attended by NASRCC leadership.
$250 gift cards to the local unions with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th highest percentage of fully vaccinated active members on Aug 31. Gift cards will be raffled off to confirmed vaccinated members at monthly meeting attended by NASRCC leadership.